Over the Ocean, On the Road
A Multimedia Exhibition
by Leong Ka Tai
與香港著名攝影家梁家泰一起踏上橫越太平洋之旅 — HKDI Gallery將展出梁氏在其長達五個月的慢活旅程中拍攝的攝影和錄像作品,透過多媒體互動裝置,藉此啟發觀眾思考溝通、聯繫和旅行的意義。
Embark on a nautical journey across the Pacific Ocean with acclaimed Hong Kong photographer Leong Ka Tai. HKDI Gallery is presenting Leong’s photographic work and videos from his adventurous five-month voyage with a specifically created multimedia installation. An exhibition that invites viewers to reflect on communication, connection and travelling.
Embark on a nautical journey across the Pacific Ocean with acclaimed Hong Kong photographer Leong Ka Tai. HKDI Gallery is presenting Leong’s photographic work and videos from his adventurous five-month voyage with a specifically created multimedia installation. An exhibition that invites viewers to reflect on communication, connection and travelling.