He captured
The world in his eyes
And leave it to the viewers to interpret, to feel, to contemplate
Moriyama San x City dwellers/encounters/sentiments x Viewers
A never-ending tango trio
I gathered
In this Response Exhibition
The like-minded
Unceasingly pursuing a photo dialogue with the society/city Photographers x Hong Kong people/encounters/sentiments x First Person
Interpretation In which there is violence, helplessness,
deathly stillness, aspirations…
Taking the viewers into
The spirit and energy of the city
anothermountainman / Curator
都交給觀者解讀﹑感受﹑感悟 ...
森山老師 x 城市人情事 x 觀者,
並以: 攝者 x 香港城市人情事 x 第一身解讀出發,
當中可有暴力的﹑無奈的﹑死寂﹑ 或者祈盼的 ...
帶觀眾進入攝影師透過照片 與城市一起沈澱的能量。
又一山人 / 策展人
Participating artist 參展藝術家
1. Alfred Ko chi keung 高志強
2. Anothermountainman 又一山人
3. Ducky Tse chi tak 謝至德
4. John Fung kin chung馮健中
5. Lam wai kit 林慧潔
6. Lau ching ping 劉清平
7. Leong ka tai 梁家泰
8. Patrick Lai chi fong 李志芳
9. Ringo TANG kui wing 鄧鉅榮
10. So hing kueng 蘇慶強
11. Vincent Yu wai kin 余偉建